Thursday, October 05, 2006

Whoop Dee Doo

Got my first rejection letter from Texas A&M coupla days back. One down, three more to go. I think I'm gonna get stuck here for one more year as I re-apply for less competitive Unis.

Got another letter from MINDEF asking for $54 for a medical appointment I went for. Seems that although I had my 11B when I went, you have to get a referral from your camp MO to get free treatment from government institutions.

Been going for my long overdue driving lessons (No, GJ, this is not a veiled dig at you.) these few days. Keep stalling the damn car. Malu sial.

Busted my left knee from daily running. I don't know how the Gurkhas run everyday. Actually I'm not sure they do. They all look the same. Brown and fit as hell. Plus the damn Indonesians are making our little Lee-empire a smokers' Paradise, so I switched to swimming today. It sucked.

Firstly, it took so long to swim. I left home about 1730 and only got back about 1930. It takes me half an hour, tops, to run my regular route, warmup included.

Second, half the damn pool was taken up by some kiddie lesson. 15 kids! Half the damn pool! So the rest of us suckers got crammed into the other half. Which had other kids diving in from all over the place too. And people crowding the edges, just talking cock. GET THE HELL OUT OF THE DAMN POOL IF YOU DON'T SWIM! Why the hell can't you talk at the empty viewing galleries? I was in the pool for more than an hour, I think, and I saw people stick to their little spot the whole time, yakking away. Can't wait till my knee get better and some rain to clear up the skies again so that I can get back to running again.

Pfffft. Days like these, they drag on forever.


At 1:54 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, for ur knee ar, think its helps if u try aqua jogging or eat glucosamine la, fish oil is cheaper alternative.


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