Wednesday, August 02, 2006

The BitchMan Cometh

Been having so much fun messing around with Html and crap that I forgot what I created this thing in the first place. To update people about my life and, occasionally bitch about stuff.

I'm getting fat and weak. Tried running today but gave up after about 100m 'cause the stiches still hurt so I think I'll give it a coupla more days before attempting again. Settled for push ups and barely got to 10 before sweat started breaking out on my brow. Weak. Had to break it up into more sets of less push ups. My chest is starting to look like manboobs again. Don't want that. Gotta start weight training again. If you're in NS and just passed out of training(I'm not talking about Tekong. Tekong is just basic conditioning. I'm talking about the shit that comes after that.), don't assume that your body will last forever like that. Lulled into a false sense of fitness, I traded my night training for night snacks. Now I'll be paying penance for that attitude.

Still feel the site is pretty plain so I looked around for some Flash stuff to spruce it up and personalize it a bit more. Found a site that offered Flash tickers for US$19.95. Pfffeh. They has a couple of samples on their home page so spent coupla hours digging thru the page code to find the URLs to those and ripped those. Now I gotta figure out how those thingamabobs work and craft them to my needs. Look out for them in the not too distant future.

Wanted to go back to camp today to do more clearance and dekit and clear my cupboard today but I'm on Attn C and my mom advised me not to. *Shrugs* I guess I'll have to do that on Mon. Never thought I'll be saying this, but it's coming sooner than I can believe. "ORD LOH!"


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